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Tea Talk - Sir John Johnson Manor House

  • Williamstown Museum 19651 John Street Williamstown, On Canada (map)

This Thursday, July 12th from 2-4PM a panel of ladies will discuss how they recreated the historical costumes which the summer students adorn at the museum. The summer tea talks continue to be very popular with a full house today to hear Brent Lafave describe the plans for the refurbishment of the Sir John Johnson Manor House. Everyone is welcome to come along to museum between 2 and 4pm on Thursday and enjoy a interesting talk, delicious refreshments and a social time.  A small donation of $5 is requested to cover museum expenses.

Anyone passing by the GNL Museum these days will notice our flourishing historic garden. A group of children from the South Glengarry Day Camp were there practising their weeding and gardening skills on Wednesday.

There are still a few places available on the Museum sponsored coach trip to Rivière de Loup and Quebec City.  Don’t miss out on this four day, three night tour which promises to be a fun and educational experience. If interested call the museum at 613 347 3547 for further details.

Earlier Event: July 10
Tuesday Night Ceilidhs
Later Event: July 13
Ghost and Discovery Walk