The Collectif D’artistes Glengarry Artists Collective will once again be adding life to the walls of the Williamstown Room at the museum. We have hosted exhibits from this group for three years now and each year brings something new to delight the visitors and remind all of just how much artistic talent the county holds. These exhibits at the museum are typically spearheaded by artists Bobi Leutschaft-Poitras and Yvonne Calloway and it was these two who originally approached the museum regarding the display of local art back in the autumn of 2018.
2023s show is a bit different than previous years as the museum is hosting the first juried show of the collective. A total of 82 pieces from 30 local artists have been gathered at the museum this week where they await the judges verdict. Judging will be done by Emily McLeod, who is among other things the Visual Arts Coordinator for the city of Cornwall, and Sean George who has received multiple Ontario Arts Council Grants over the years and is also exhibiting his own work at the Cline House Gallery this spring. Winners of the exhibit will be announced at the vernissage held on opening day from 11am-1pm. We know that art is subjective so, fear not-there will be a ‘peoples choice’ component where those of you willing can cast your own vote!