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Williamstown Green Thumbs - Casting Some Light on Shade

  • Williamstown Arena (Tartan Hall) 19740 John Street Williamstown, ON, K0C 2J0 Canada (map)

The Williamstown Green Thumbs Pot Luck dinner and Presentation of “Casting Some Light on Shade.”  Appetizers begin at 6:00 pm.  Members bring an appetizer, main course, or dessert. Punch is provided, but there will be a cash bar for alcohol. Reminder that it is Membership Night, so please put your fees in an envelope with your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address. Single $15.00, any couple $25.00.  Dave Dunn of Rideau Woodland Ramble will discuss design and development of shade gardens, focusing on plant selection and strategies to bring the designs to life.

Earlier Event: February 17
Family Day - Ski, Snowshoe, Fatbike
Later Event: February 25
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper