Yes, the first snowfall is still many months away, but now is the time to think about pre-season preparation for the cross-country ski season. With this in mind, we will be offering a new program this year called ski walking.
One-hour sessions will be offered every Sunday throughout the fall at 10:00 a.m., starting September 13. Participants will meet at the trailhead parking lot. The sessions will be led by FOTST member René Sauvé, a certified NCCP instructor. René also leads the Jackrabbit program and learn to ski program in the wintertime for the Summerstown Coyote Nordiq club.
As the name implies, there will be lots of walking involved, but it will be walking with a XC skiing purpose. Some of the exercises for the participants include walking with poles, ski walking, ski striding, ski hopping, etc. Dynamic stretching movements and balance exercises will also be on the program.
This program will be free for FOTST members (2019-20 and 2020-21) and for kids aged 12 and under. A one-time registration fee of $10 will apply to all others. The only requirement is that participants need to bring their walking poles or ski poles. Disinfected ski poles will be available for those who don’t have any. Also, please bring your mask for the intro part.
To register and reserve your spot, just reply to this email specifying the names of those participating.
Stay safe and see you on the trails.